VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Did Canada Not Show Up?

I have tuned into the Olympics and discovered that Canada never is shown.  I accepted this thinking that North America would likely show western competitors more than Asians. Then, occasionally I would see someone from team USA listed in a competition or at least, mentioned.  I decided to do some internet searches and discovered that Canada is not showing very well at all.  With only 4 medals, and all of them bronze, I guess that explains the lack of conversation about Canada.  Diving, judo, and weightlifting are the only categories we have managed to place.  Looks like we are winter athletes, so I will settle back in and cheer for Singapore who yesterday were doing well.

I must be showing my age as I watch these performances.  When I tuned in yesterday I was entertained with beach volleyball.  What happened to the original game of volleyball? Why some distraction that beach bums entertain themselves with on vacation?  I don't for a second claim to have the stamina or skill to qualify for this sport.  However, a bikini for the chicks, and a backwards baseball cap with a long flowing ponytail for the dudes, all in bare feet make me question this as an olympic sport.  Their attire and attitude does not appear they take this seriously. Neither do I.  When one witnesses other events that take years of training and focus to get to an olympic level I question the fact that a few people who spend their day on the beach think they are athletes. Even ping pong had some class - much like the attire of the tennis players. I thought bikinis, swim trunks, and bare feet were for water sports?  

I hope Canada can surprise us all and collect at least one gold medal. I wont hold my breath.

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