VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

6 am on Wednesday morning

Settled into my computer chair and writing a list for today so I can gather all my teacher phone numbers, I have beside me a steaming cup of roiboos tea - whose tea bag I will carelessly toss in the trash. Because I have many more! A tiny, stale slice of baguette encased in almond butter and slathered in honey. Can life get any better than this? I think not. And, my lavender oil burning sweetly on my desk. I even managed to have a chat with Levi (my last night) and his morning. He beamed at me when I thanked him for the caterpiller picture he sent me. And his little sister is such a good girl. She awoke during our conversation and smiled, giggled, and stuffed her chubby fists into her mouth during our visit. Her mother tells me she has many of uncle dude's attributes. Nice to see those ones carried forward. He was the happiest baby, and most amusing child I know.His laugh was so infectious that Jennifer as a small child herself would crawl into his crib just to sit and laugh with him in the mornngs. Can you think of a better way to wake up? Listening to the ripples of children giggling is a gift not to be taken lightly.  But I guess he will have to share that description with his niece. One of the very profound things about family is that what is new is something from the past. It triggers memories one forgot or stashed away in the back of the hard drive of the brain.  Looking into the eyes of a new family member makes one think they are looking into a doorway of the past. A lovely adventure in itself.
As for the Malaysian adventure, all is well, and I will attempt to post some wonderful pictures of my preschool children singing to me with all their hearts and all their beings. I am gonna figure out how to post a utube of them because the video is priceless.
Salamat Pagi

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