VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, July 8, 2011

Today is July 9 2011 for me. This alert was sent to me, but I am safe at home

I was wise or maybe not wise enough, to register with the Canadian government while on a work visa in Malaysia. By doing this, I have access to information about Canada as well as support from the high commsision office for Canada in Malaysia should I require help.  I receive e-mails frequently from that office and almost always prepare to send them to the spam folder because I always forget the site that sends them. Just before I hit 'spam', I recall the website and read on. Here is the most recent one, in case any of you have heard about these riots in Malaysia.  I do not live near KL, and have no desire to go there. Now I have another reason to fold firm in that plan. I just got home from JB, which is in the southern region of Malaysia, and KL is on the west coast much further north.  Interestingly, when we travelled to Batu Pahat, there were many police checks along the way. Batu Pahat is south of KL (a fair distance). Anyway, they would peer into the cars to see who we were and if anyone was wearing anything yellow. If there was yellow clothing on anyone, they were pulled over for further investigation.  That was on Friday.
PS I am not wearing any yellow!

Message from High Commission of Canada:
“A potentially large street demonstration in Kuala Lumpur is being planned for Saturday 9 July.
The demonstration is being planned to be held in a stadium. The stadium venue has yet to be identified. There remains the real possibility that small groups may still gather in the streets in central Kuala Lumpur on Saturday 9 July.
As the situation remains fluid you are advised to monitor the local press for developments and be vigilant if travelling in the Kuala Lumpur city centre or close to the Stadium venue on 9 July.  The police have indicated that they will prevent, using all available measures, any demonstration from taking place if no police permit is issued for the demonstration. The police have set up roadblocks on the main roads into the city centre which is affecting normal movement in and out of Kuala Lumpur.
All Canadians are advised to avoid large crowds on Saturday and to avoid travel to the Kuala Lumpur city centre. Traffic disruptions will likely occur on Saturday. In addition, the police have indicated they will arrest people who are wearing yellow t-shirts which display the logo of Bersih. ”

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