VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Kip Mart and My Red Snapper Adventure

Thanks Ryan for reintroducing me to Red Snapper in Thailand. I bravely entered the fish monger section of Kip Mart today and enquired about Red Snappers. Everyone was trying to sell me other things but I remained firm on my decision. A nice Chinese man came to my aid and said that it is available here in Kota Tinggi so we went off on a mission to find some. He found a seller who said he had some and went to a fresh cooler just arrived. Slapped the big red fish on the counter and I said Yes to the fish. However, I explained I needed it filleted, so my new Chinese friend stayed on and explained what needed to be done. Once they established my needs, the new friend went on his way.  A couple of Malays now joined me and watched the process of waste being done.  I didn't care, I needed a piece of fish, not the whole thing with innards etc.  When it came to the time to chop off his head, the fish monger looked at me, and I nodded. He then prepared to package it for me, and I declined. He kept trying to convince me to take it but I kept rejecting the offer. My Malay shoppers watched this and tried to tell me to take it home and make fishead curry - the best - very expensive on a menu in Malaysia. Well, I dont care - I dont want a fish face in my house. I can deal with whole salmon when I barbecue but not a fish face looking at me from a pan. As they were leaving I thought - ask them if they want it!  I did, and they were delighted to take it home and make that lovely fish face curry they were dreaming about only a few minutes ago. I am glad it went to good use. And I can now see that the fish monger will be swarmed with people waiting for the Canuck lady buying Red Snapper in the future - and being the recipient of a face for the curry pan. RM44 for the bloody fish. It better be good. I think that is the most I have spent on a meal at home, no I know it is the most I have spent on a meal at home since I arrived. But then, I do have 2 more portions I stuck in the freezer. The amount I consumed tonight was probably enough to feed a family our four here, but what the heck I am a carnivore and proud to be one.
I gotta say, it was delicious, I had fresh Thai asparagus and enoki mushrooms sauted in butter as an accompaniment. Bon Apetit I say.

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