VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Choral Speaking with Preschoolers GOING ON A BEAR HUNT

These little gaffers had so much fun producing this and I had even more fun guiding them and their teacher. With the efforts made, my company has asked to have the film I produced to use in promotional materials for the international school. What could be a better confirmation of work done?  I am going to upload the full video to utube so you can see them. It is priceless. And the conditions they were under while they were filmed was amazing. You can see a delivery person behind them making so much noise you could hardly hear the kids - but they were unaffected and kept going on.  Here are a few photos of how I got them to the speaking stage so that they actually knew what they were saying. That is why they were so engaged when they spoke. Or should I say ' shouted', the words.
this one did not produce well. However, the kids enjoyed slipping their hands into the bucket of 'oozy mud' I made from paint, water, and cornstarch. They had never felt oozy mud before - the soil in this part of the world is orange and gritty.  This exercise gave them understanding of what Canadian kids take for granted.

After making large flashcards of the various parts of the story, the children then coloured the places they went on the bear hunt.  Above, are a few examples of the colouring they did.  I think I put in as much effort for the production of this project as the children did in producing it. But it was fun.  I will get the film online soon.

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