VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Still annoyed with the drivers

A friend here hss told me that the frenzy on the roads is due to the days before Ramadan. Guess the western world can liken it to Chrismas rush. But still don't like it any better.

Also, a big disappointment with some vendors. I buy gas or as they say here 'petrol' in the middle of nowhere. I felt it was a good way to support those who have little traffic. Not so sure I will onward. Yesterday I noticed that she was trying her best to fill the tank to its absolute maximum. I ended up paying for gas that ended up on the pavement.  I knew it only needed about RM 20, and yet she annouced the bill was RM 30.  So, I asked for a bill and while she was writing it, I looked at the actual amount dispensed to my tank and it was RM 27.23.  Now that is not a huge difference, but just the same I called her on it, and she muttered something and then brought my change. I think this has happened more than once, but being a bad financial planner and such, I have never doubted the charges. 

Today, I had lunch at McD - my only beef intake here. I have discovered that a 1/4 pounder meal is cheaper than a 1/4 pounder on its own, so that is what I order for RM 8 + change.  I take the fries, and then like the fish head in the fish market, some lucky person gets the fries. Again, not a big dufference, but the little lady charges me RM 10.50.  Now there is some tax added in restaurants but I should have been only charged RM 9.50.  I called her on it again as I have to each time and then she has to have her boss come over and void the charge and input the right now. I am tried of being duped. Perhaps the same happens in Canada with foreigners too, but this is a small community. I know that many locals read this blog (they tell me so) , and I hope they pass on this message that the writer does not appreciate being charged more just because I am not 'from here'. I spend a lot of money in this community, and I will cease doing so if I have to fight for every purchase I make.

Lots of whining here. I will get over it. But it is disappointing to be swindled by one's own community.

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