VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jennifer Embury - You Rock!

I never received care packages like this when I was a camp counsellor for the Y camp many years ago. This one was so heavy, the postman could not deliver it on his bike, so he stored it in some garage for me until I could pick it up. Jennifer is awesome. She remembered her mother's insane allergies and packed accordingly. Now I can cut myself and actually wear a banadge. Here in the land of rubber plantations, you are not gonna find anything vinyl - only LATEX.  And to compliment my bandages, a sack full of vinyl gloves which I can take to a Dr appt or the hospital (God I hope not) because they also do not have vinyl gloves. AND PC almond butter and honey. AND Annies ginger thins (tons of them). AND roiboos tea.A REAL ROLL OF DUCT TAPE. And the ultimate - a crossword puzzle book!  Now I know what I will do on the weekend. I will lock my gate, get up on Saturday morning and indulge myself in a piece of baguette (in freezer) smothered in almond butter and dripping in honey, and then make a large glass of roiboos tea. Then, back to bed with the crossword puzzle book and perhaps a box of ginger thins to snack on.  Life can't get much better than this. There is far more than what I have mentioned in the box. There are so many tubes of toothpaste, she must think I have bad breath.  But being a whimp, I can only use one kind of toothpaste without gagging when I brush. Levi understands this - I left him a tube because he gags on the other stuff, just like his nana. And the airlines confiscated my spare tubes when I was coming here. They must have thought I was some great expert at making devices to blow things up and then pack it in several tubes of expenive toothpaste. I think Levi made me a card, so it will be hung in my art gallery for all to see.AND zip lock plastic bags. I no longer have to wash and dry the few I have saved from packing.  And the great mother, she also packed several Seuss books which I will take to the schools tomorrow and begin reading my way through the schools. One Fish Two Fish - My favorite!
I wonder what the heck I did to deserve these kids of mine. Don't think I will dwell on that question. I will just try to live up to what they heck they think I am. Thanks guys
love mom
PS if you are in Malaysia and a guest at my house I probably wont share the ginger cookies

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