VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Please pass the brussel sprouts

For those of you who have been following my blog, you may recall my obsession with brussel sprouts.  I lovingly fondled the small packages in Cold Storage one day but placed them back on the shelf when I saw that the price was RM15 for a serving of 9 sprouts.  But big day today.  I found the little lovelies at my Hypermarket where I shop in JB, and because the locals probably have no idea what to do with them, they ended up on the reduced pile of produce. Yay for me.  I snagged 2 shell packs for 50% off and only had to toss one sprout.  What was probably enough to serve four people, I paid RM8. However, being deprived so such a long time, I gobbled up one whole package that probably could have made it through two meals.  No regrets. I loved each bite. And now have two more servings for later this week. Seems they don’t favour asparagus either. I really scored on that one. Four generous packets (one serving each in my mind) for RM8. Yay again. Now back to work logging all the meetings I have had for the past several months. arghhh

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