VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, July 22, 2011

No K.L this weekend - diversion to the MD instead

All seems to be well - I had some allergic reaction to something that caused serious itching and swelling of my right hand,arm, and left leg. Not really sure what could have caused it. I am thinking the frequent Pope hand kissing I get with some kiddo having something on their hands that cause allergic reactions in me. But on the mend, and had a great excuse for not going to KL after all.
The doctors here do their best to make sure that one does not suffer. I have super duper allergy pills and then some miracle steroid cream to relieve the itch too. Both working fine. Maybe that is a false statement - the injection of antihistimes she gave me in her office clearly clouded my brain, so maybe I still have all the symtoms but don't know it. Who cares, I don't know it and that is what counts.
Another fun day of sharing Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb with another three groups of kids. Three different age groups and all of them loved it equally. This new bunch of books clearly demonstrates how much they need them and how many more are needed.I wrote to a dear friend back in Canada because I know they are members of Rotary. Hoping to get a sponsorship from them, I asked the questions. Not a successful venture there, as they have looked into this sort of thing in the past and the shipping is so costly they don't do it. BUT, they aer some very eccentric friends of mine. She is a diehard fan of Elvis. They took a trip to Graceland a few years ago, and upon return to Canada, an Elvis Presley Museum ws created and what was a classic car museum became a shrine to Elvis, complete with a car that is exactly like whatever he drove. So, why this story? Because Kathy has offered to send a cash donation to my 'travelling library' from her ELVIS FAN CLUB who amass funds for causes. She is checking with the members to see if they are willing to part with some cash to help my kids in Malaysia. Amazing huh?  Something like seek and ye shall find comes to mind.

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