VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, July 17, 2011

conveying messages or other drivel

I finally finished uploading my logs for visits and meetings. What a nightmare! I guess I have learned that until I cease resisting something I dislike, I will continue to have it in my face. My resistance was to excel spreadsheets but the only effective way to do these logs was with that very program. Thank God for Jenn - my coach on those nasty programs.  I am a good student, I learned what to do and did it.  Spreadsheets were my nemesis, so I hope I have overcome that.

So, why the drivel about spreadsheets? Well, I keep hearing people say 'I love you?'  I have empathy for those souls who do this. Notice the statement is a question, not a fact. Those people constantly look to others for love, asking others with what appears to be a statement if they will love them back. How pathetic!  You can see a healthy relationship when a person just says 'I love you',  without expectations of the statement being returned to them. I get that kind of love statement from my kids all the time. I love how they say 'I love you mom '. They mean it and say it with love in their being. For some healthy reason, they just love me, and expect nothing in return.  I hope that is how I say it to them. Now they will probably listen to how I state this feeling. I better do as I say.

Where am I going with this one? Well, I am hoping to learn how to love spreadsheets, and actuallty love what they can do for me, with me.  Right now my love for spreadsheets is much like that person looking outside themself for love from another, and saying the words only in hopes of having the same words returned.  Bloody Microsoft.  So although I am the elder in the family relationship, I look to both my children for assistance in so many things. They are much wiser than me in so many ways. Age does not automatically give the advantage of wisdom.  Jenn teaches me computer stuff and Ry teaches me the way of the world in this part of the world.Not sure where I would be right now without their input. I guess I would be here, but with a lot more chaos.

I told you this would be drivel. I didn't disappoint you with that fact.  If you are still reading, that is all I have to say today.  I love you Jenn, I love you Ry, and I am learning to love Microsoft, but it is a tough one to love.


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