VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Miss Muffit and her Mom

I dashed to Rosemerah Cafe so I could visit with the Canucks this morning. Driving into the brilliant sunrise of a firey orange globe (I wonder if it will be hot today??), I could hardly wait to connect to the wifi and actually see and talk to my family back home. We have had such nasty connections at my home that I knew I had to do the drive. Now I am gonna call Ry in Korea to see if he is online. If he is not, I will try again later today.
For now, here is a beautiful photo of Jenn and Kollin as we chatted. Levi was busy watching some tv program that was clearly more interesting than his Nana. But we did manage a wee chat just the same. He is in the space of 'wanting to go back home' which translates into wanting things to be the way they were before the move, move, new sister, and renovation. But he will adjust - all kids do.
Jenn and Kollin met Faizel and Canan this morning. They are the guys at the cafe - owner and employee that look after my restaurant needs. They were delighted to meet the family.

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