VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Today's Rant - and it is only Tuesday!

I have declared yesterday 'lizard day'.  I must have seen and driven over at least 10 lizards out by my school. I am talking about sizable reptiles. Not the little things you might see in Canada. Probably the biggest one was about the size of a labrador dog (girth) and about 8 or so feet long. I guess he was too stupid to move out of the way of cars. Then there seemed to be  a steady stream of dead lixards all along my route. But when I got home, there at the door to my patio - Ryan will understand this one from 'toady', was a stupid spotted lizard with a curly tail, waiting to get in. Of course I did not let him in, and he was quite annoyed with me. I shooshed him away, and he kept dashing back to the door. So, I got the broom and really shooshed him right into the roadway out of my patio. Showed him who is boss. I don't see any contribution to rent from him, so he is not welcome. He's not welcome anyway, but I am not telling him that. Jeff told me today that he saw him on the road and asked if I had killed him, I did not claim that deed, but not sure if Jeff beleives me. No matter, a dead lizard as far as I am concerned is a good lizard.

Now, for today's rant - every kamakaze Malaysian driver was out in fullforce today. On MY ROADS. I love my backroads, but for some reason they took over and were really annoying me. The roads are narrow, pitted with potholes and shoulderless. But that did not seem to stop these idiots from passing, hugging the centreline, and otherwise making life miserable.

THEN, on my way home from the afternoon gig, it began pleasantly with seriously overcast skies making it very comfortable for driving. However, I know this comes with a pricetag. Heavy rains are in the route. I managed the rain drive, but came upon a roadwork area that did not really have anywhere to drive. I could see the vehicles on my right buzzing along, but there was only one lane. In front of me was a barricade, so I stopped and thought I would let someone else take the lead. Because I had a string of cars following me - always a good place to put onself in a downpour. Let the lead bunny take the hit. Anyway, I sat there, and everyone else sat there too - behind me.  So, I made a road, just like a good Malaysian driver would do, and drove on through a ditch for a couple of km until I found a spot to rejoin the highway once more.

Home now, and glad to be here. No lizards at my door, and no rain in my house (I left all the windows open). And I am bloody tired of eating chicken.  Make a note of that Jennifer. No chicken when I come back for a visit! I bought these little treats from the freezer section in the local food store. Big Mistake. But being too cheap to throw them out, I am gagging them down for the second time this week. They were called shrimp balls. I thought they might be tastey little tidbits. Thinking they were some sort of wonton wrapper around shrimp was a big mistake. They are vulcanized orange mini tennis balls. No shrimp, no nada.  God knows what I have been consuiming, but I promise I will never serve them to you when you come for a visit.

And that is what kind of days they have been.

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