VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, February 10, 2011

better admit this now

The car people arrived at our resort just before we were leaving. They were to bring GPS systems for our cars if we had ordered them. I ended up with a bigger and better one than I had ordered.  We all were fumbling around trying to get them working and many ended up listening to some mechanical lady speaking in Malay.  I got the right language, but one of the guys insisted on helping me program my destination.  Problem was he gave me the wrong destination.  I figured that out once on the highway so had to keep telling that mechanical witch that I was not going to go the way she wanted me to go.  Also made the mistake of following a brit who I was sure knew what he was doing. Not true, he ended up God knows where and lucky for me I got lost from that adventure because of the many crazy drivers cutting me off. I muddled along and eventually found the highway and entrance to the toll booth. I began to swish through there as we had been told that we do not pay until leaving the highway. Bad choice, sirens were sounding and lights were flashing when I did that. I attempted to pull over but had all sorts of cars rushing by me that had done the correct thing.  The toll booth man eventually came to me and handed me the ticket I needed to exit the highway. After that life got better except for that GPS lady getting frustrated with me going the wrong way. I guess I could have unplugged her but she was nice company in the car.

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