VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Madam Frances - that is what the children here call me!

I had threeclasses scheduled to sit in on today but schedules changed and only managed to be in two classes. It is amusing how everyone dances around the term 'observe' so one of the head mistresses and myself came up with the term ';sit in'.  The children are adorable. The classroom is nothing like I have known in Canada. Everyone yells and if you had a headache I think it could actually be an issue. The yelling is just enthusiasm because the children are beaming while they are shouting out their words. I was fed at another school this morning and had some very interesting things kind of like papadoms but they weren't.  I was told they were something made out of flour and fish. Whatever they were, they were good, and then someone else brought me some strips of something which is quickly discovered were rock hard. I think they were some version of fish jerky, and also very good. So I had my fish for today, and was told again that my Sedili Ketchi school also has great fresh fish only about a km away. 
Now have to prepare for the workshop that I will be giving to my 'cluster' this afternoon. Cluster is a term used for schools that I am responsible for. I have 5 schools, as does everyone else, and then 3 of us work together somewhat supporting each other in the 3 clusters by sharing the workshops with each other. Bit of a drag because that also means driving all over the place to get to each other's cluster.

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