VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Departure Day

Not sure I am ready, but I guess that doesn't matter any longer. Marie drove her chariot to my storage locker yesterday.  Carol came to my house and buzzed around sorting things for me to help me stay focused. Lynda is helping in the morning with the last of storage items. And Pam is picking up the bike and me.  The best part of the day is when Ken has to part with big bucks at a fine Sidney restaurant to assure that I really do leave.  I am looking forward to time with good friends before I head off to the unknown. I hope Steph joins us.
Hope I can twist my hairdresser’s arm to give me one more great haircut.  Who knows what I will find for haircuts in Malaysia.  Opps there goes the vanity again.  Better lose that with the Blackberry. I gotta say I seem to be having trouble keeping track of this paper daytimer though.  I feel like it is another piece of luggage.
Leaving on Chinese New Year must be a good omen.  Maybe no Malayan tigers will stalk me. Apparently, the Malaysians call this guy Pak Belang, which translates into “uncle stripes”.  That kind of feels bettersort of cute like a teddy bear in Banff.
Now the drivel should get more interesting I hope.

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