VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pengerang on Thursday

Yesterday I spent the day in Pengarang, which is the south coast of Malaysia.  I had a very productive day but ended it badly. Seems I just might have left the car lights on and when it was time to leave for home, and Jeff already gone, my stupid car would not start. Called Jeff, who returned and found some jumper cables and off I went. grrrr
Pictures uploaded to show the schools etc down there.
Today was less than productive. I had three class visits scheduled and a meeting at my base school. Friday, it turns out is a special assembly for prayers that lasts until 8 am. Not so. I waited until 8:10 and it was still going on. So went to Mawai for my class visit at 8:30, only to find they too had a special assembly. There was no one to talk to in the school to find out when I could expect the meeting to end, except the gate keeper. He advised they would be in the meeting until 10 am. Left that school and went to Mahkota early and had some yummy treats with one of the teachers. Pow. That is what I ate. Some kind of bun thing that is steamed and then fried, and in the middle it has chopped coconut and brown sugar.  Nice.  Then actually did the class visit, with a very nervous teacher, so spent my time assuring her everything was just fine. Then, the head master corralled me and took me to lunch. First real meal I have had in days, and it was not too spicy either. Chicken and corn rice and and a banana. So, maybe I am getting into a routine. Then dashed off to Seri Aman school to do another class visit. Not so. They were preparing for a handball tournament next week, so all classes cancelled. I don't really understand why the primary classes are affected, but that is the way it is. So, I will be rescheduling class visits like craze this weekend to repair the damage of this past week.
Oh, yes, the Mahkota teachers asked me if I saw the elephant this morning on the road. Good Grief. I thought I was in a zone that would never see an elephant. When you consider the curves, hills, and skinny roads I travel you will realize that it would be one HUGE shocker to come upon an elephant on the road. I guess I know who would have the right of way in that one! 
Now I will post the pictures from Pengerang. Pronouced: 'pun ger ong'
Gembut is pronounced:  (hard 'g') 'Gem boat"

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