VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

getting organized with the job

well, I began the observations this week, and we did another workshop yesterday. Lots of driving for this because we have to travel to each other's clusters to work together. My biggest difficulty is trying to get all the teacher's schedules. Each time I go to a school to get them, it takes far longer than it should. The head master or head mistress always wants to have something to drink or eat and a visit  before we get down to business.  Then there are schools that have no staff that speak English in the office so our miming and smiling take more time still.  I had to go to one school three times in order to get the requested schedules yesterday.  But now that they are in my tight little fists I will sit down and do that nasty paperwork to create my own timetable to visit everyone. This is a pretty boring post, but maybe today I will manage to take some photos of the schools so that all you Canadian readers can see how good things are in our education system. Oddly, I am feeling like everything is normal; I guess I have been brainwashed already!  It amazes me how everyone works with what they have, but then I guess if you don't know what you could have, it looks good enough.  The photocopier ususally does not work, there are some projectors installed, but they dont usally work either, and some schools have internet and some do not.  I like the base school the best, because I do not have to climb a set of concrete stairs to the office. Funny what becomes a priority.
I will gather what I can from my base school if time permits and post the photos here later today.

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