VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, February 12, 2011

stayed in Kota Tingii (area)

The realtor called me again today and met us.  She said leave Kota Tinggi and drive toward Johor Barhu and come to a detour sign. She will meet us there. Somewhere around the God place.  Turns out she meant some kind of church.  Anyway, we found her and drove a short distance further to some complex of townhouses.  We will be the only non Malaysians there so told to expect a lot of stares from the locals. Jeff was eying the place and told me that he would take it if I did not.  There were no other options so I took it.  Then we asked if there was another, and turns out that the landlord whom we met there also owns the one next door that they keep as a unit in case of flooding where they live. He called his wife and she agreed to rent it to Jeff so we are very close neighbours.  It is just on the outskirts of Kota Tinggi, so should be nice and quiet, and makes it easier to get to our schools too I think.  We will see.  I better figure out how to get a fridge and something to cook on, I am thinking a bbq instead of a stove.  And a kettle would complete the furnishings for  now.  Ahh Marie, you should take a page from my book, and your life would be far less stressful. So now all we have to do is find a way to have the Embury clan here for a Christmas reunion.  What a wonderful Christmas present that would be. I promise I will get more things before then. PS Anyone else who wants to join us is very welcome.

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