VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I did it!

The cows were incognito.  Some  had brown suits amid the black. But I dodged them skillfully.  I found 3 of my 5 schools, actually found a 4th but passed it too quickly and needed to get to Kota Tinggi to get my home keys and residence arranged.  That is more important I think, and will have to finish up either Friday or Monday, Everyone is so darn nice, and welcoming. The head mistress at my base school has already offered to take me shopping and out to dinner.  And love the children everywhere. Some little guys rattled off Malay to me and then had a good laugh at my expense. I took no pictures today, I was far too intent on getting to the schools and figuring out where they were. Ah, but my most distant school is just past a wonderful beach on the China Sea. I will definitely stop there very soon and take a picture for everyone to see what a difficult time I am having.
Now dashing off to my new digs to get the keys. We bought our set of locks for the security, I managed to find 4 locks with a master key so that should keep me keyed for the duration.
As for the diet, everyone insists on feeding me at each school. This could become a problem with any weight loss me thinks.Oh yes, and all the new names, I don't know how I am going to remember them all. Each school has a gatekeeper security man One of them was quite a funny incident. The gate was only open wide enough for a person, not a car and the gate keeper could only speak Malay. We finally sorted it out and he opened it wider. Guess I need to learn a few more words than 'thank you' and 'your welcome'. For those who want to know the words - Terima Kasih and sama sama
So look out Desaru, we are heading there tomorrow to do the same thing again with those schools.

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