VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Academy Awards

I have been receiving mail from home indicating that everyone will be glued to the TV sets in Canada watching the Academy Awards.  I won't be joining all of you in that event, as I still have not turned on this TV here and I am very sure the event will not be carried here either. So forgive me when you all talk about the winners of the big night. I will not have a clue as to who won what or even the titles for that matter.
Tonight I will be calling my rental agent to negotiate some screens, or as they say here, netting, for my house. One of my colleagues managed to get screens on his place by showing her the bites he has suffered as a result of no screens. I have a nice crop myself, so should be in a good position to get them installed.
Now to set off on the road to navigate the elephants and cows on the roads.I guess I can add wild boars to this list. We saw a huge one by the road on the way to Batu Pahat, which I argued was only as big as it was from decaying in the sun and bloating to such a size Sadly, I have to drive through the city another time because I was too lazy to get gas in the car last night.  I love the diversion I discovered, as it means I do not have to drive with the loonies on the narrow city streets that make you pull in your shoulders constantly, in an attempt to fit in the space allotted for your car.

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