VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, February 4, 2011

Chinese New Year

I think this is a good day to begin the journey.  Glad for my request for a layover between Vic and Van. Jenn and I had a great visit on the curb at YVR. I wonder if she realized we managed to talk just like two adults talk --  something that does not occur very often these days with Levi in the midst.  I am not sure why I didn't  cry this time -- maybe because I could see that Jenn was OK with me going, and I know the incredible support she has with her Luther ladies.

How untimely.  Just got a message from Ryan who has been flying into and out of Kuala Lumpur and Singapore with great frequency is heading for diving in India today.  He will be in Hong Kong tonight and I will be in Hong Kong in the morning. Not sure we could get worse timing if we tried.  But after his assignment,he can come to visit me in my new home, wherever the heck that is.

Thanks Pam for the great purse. Every woman on the flight asked me where I got it. Clearly way beyond my own taste.  It is not worn on my back and does not have a MEC logo on it either.  Jenn thought it was pretty snazzie too. And Ken, you can breathe easiser now, knowing that parting martini is the last of the gin bottle abuse at your house for a long, long time.

Just got an e-mail from my 'boss'. The orientation weeks look way too good. I am beginning to wonder about that phrase if it looks to good to be true.... The first week looks more play than work, and the second is not far behind.  I wonder when the work begins?

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