VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bravely tried a new food place

I found another eatery in the area of town we have been eating. This one was a Chinese food place that had only signs in Chinese.  There were a few pictures and I knew the word nasi (rice) but did not recognize any of the meats.  I ordered one because I actually knew the nasi ayrm, and then branched out and took home some nasi and char sui.(pork).  That can be breakfast tomorrow morning now that I have a fridge.  Some nice family from Singapore helped me when I was asking if the chili he was putting on my food was really hot. They assured me it was not, and I discovered that it was much like the sweet chili sauce from Thailand. All this with cucumbers on the side for 4 ringitts.  The server/chef is definitely skilled with a cleaver. He flew through a piece of meat that he plucked from a hook overhead with the precision of a drummer.  I would advise one to not look at what he is cutting because there is no waste in a carcass of a chicken in this establishment.I suppose that the locals are given the treat of a chicken face when they are important enough. I convinced myself that what I was served was just meat, and I am sticking with that. Besides it tasted delicious. So,another new word added to my vocabulary. 'char sui'
The Singapore family invited me to visit them in Singapore.  I advised them that I cannot drive to Singapore because my car lease only allows me to drive in Malaysia.  I asked them how I would fly there and they had a good laugh. I guess it is a very short distance and somewhat like Victoria to Vancouver, no one is going to bother to offer flights from here to there.  Looks like I have some new friends in yet another country already.
I am feeling kinda smug. I have put away my clothing, eaten a real meal, put gas in the car, and washed some more clothing. DRAT. I forgot to get a lemon,  Oh well my colleague will be back soon and far behind me in the organized department.

1 comment:

  1. HEHE!! You are so close to Singapore!! You know where JB is? Well you cross the causeway there (the bridge) and tada! So however long it is to JB, that is as long to Singapore.
    Sounds like you are really getting the hang of it there. Good job!! And good blog!
