VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, February 11, 2011


I will  take some photos but not just yet.

 Hotel is a walk up and we are on the first floor. Thank God. Thank God for Jeff too, I could not even get my bigger bag out of the trunk so you could forget the stairs.  I owe him dinner or something grand for this.
We just laughed when we saw the hotel. The picture I will take will explain what I mean.  The people are lovely, the town  or city or whatever it is is nice too. Problem was the rooms were booked but not paid for.  Jeff took my phone to call Adrian, our line mgr, but the phone indicated service failure.  I asked the nice lady at the desk if they had wireless and she did not understand. When I said internet she said NO.  That is when the laughter began again.
Lucky that for some reason I entered Sue's phone number in my phone, who is above Adrian.  We tried her number on a lark and tada, got through to her. Not sure if the room stuff is repaired,  but the people did let us check in, and Jeff hauled everything up the stairs.  He is probably in his room now pushing back the hernia it created.  I would love to buy him dinner but then the fact that a credit card is required is likely to get the same reaction to internet, cell phones and anything technological in this neighbourhood.When I explained to Adrian that I was having trouble with my bank card from Canada, I said I would try the Standard Bank in my home town beause it is an international bank. Now I understand his burst of laughter when I said that.  I will be lucky to find a local bank here.
We both had another laugh as tons of our work is online and we are to be accessible by phone communication with our schools and anyone involved in our cluster.  Should be fun.  And we are not even out in the rural area yet.
But, having said all this, the drive was beautiful, the plantations awesome, and the feeling of peacefulness compared to the frantic pace in the cities was warmly embraces. But that could be because we were sweating like a couple of sumo wrestlers in the heat.
Stay tuned for pics.

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