VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, February 18, 2011

coffee with cream and bacon and egg mcmuffins

When I return to Canada those are the items I will have first. For now, roti, dahl, and fruit are the menu items for me.  They are good but I have to figure out something else too. Today I was bad and ate at McD's twice. Had a mcmuffin this morning and back with Jeff for some, ratz I forgot the name (but it is chicken and tastes suspiciously like KFC - which is across the street) Anyway, now fed for the day so will finish up later with some more dragon fruit and watermelon.
My buddy just left for Batu Pahat to visit our other friends. I am very content to stay home and maybe even try to figure out the TV.  I did figure out the lack of power upstairs.  There is some kind of breaker on each floor so I studied the main floor one and then went up to see what was different upstairs. I found some little toggle that was not in the same position as the lower floor one, but it was not the main breaker. Then next door to get someone tall enough to reach the stupid thing and tada!It is crazy how the houses are so tall, the ceilings are about 12 feet high and the breaker panels are planted at about 7 or more feet up the wall. Consider the fact that I am considered tall in Malaysia, then wonder how any of the locals can reach anything. Also all the light fixtures are on the 12 foot ceilings, pasted to them as they are the lovely florescent lights. Each time they turn on it sounds like someone being fried in an electric chair
Life is good now that I have power upstairs. I might even move my bed back up there. Thus far, I have been making a nest in the middle of the floor on the main floor living room/dining room.  The air conditioner was roaring at start up, which I promptly turned off.  I love the warmth of this place, in fact I dont even need a blanket when I sleep. 

Oh. now I remember Ayam Gorang - means fried chicken. 

Funny story. Jeff went to get coffee and was asked if he wanted it to stay or to go.  Dont ever ask for 'to go' in Malaysia.  They pour your coffee into a ziplock bag and hand you a straw.  I wonder how to make a cup holder in your car to accommodate that one?

I am going to go shopping for more locks. I just realized when I went upstairs that all the windows up there need locks too. Burglers can get in by crawling on the tile roof tops to the bedrooms up there. I think I will just get some cheap locks, just so they see there is a lock in place. Because once they get inside they would have to exit the same way anyway, not making it an easy exit.

Another funny story. Jeff followed my lead and went to the bank to get his debit/credit card activated. Unfortunately he was late and the bank was closed. When he turned around, two guys jumped out of a white panel van (unmarked) brandishing sawed off rifles, pointed in his direction. He said the F word and just stared at them. Turns out they were the security guys who deliver money to the bank. They just stared laughing when they saw how shocked he was. I think Jeff probably had to change his underwear after that one.

Now, signing off...............

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