VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, February 10, 2011

first working day in Kluang

As usual I am up early so I guess I better get onto my intranet to figure out where the heck my new schools are located so I can make a good choice for where the heck I should live.  For now I will drink my tea and use my old familiar laptop that has brought me to this point. THANKS RY. I reflected on the signature I always signed my e-mails.  "be the change you want to see in the world".  I guess I better always remember to be careful for what I ask for.  That statement is exactly why I came here.  If I truly want everyone in the world to have equal access to knowledge as I have been given, then it is my responsibility to help make that happen.  Now I have to figure out how I am going to do that.Two of the guys on the teams down in Johor hve long hair. Not acceptable with the locals, and they are being very resistant. They are both great teachers, so I hope they don't resist to the point of not being here. They would be a big loss.  There are very definite rules for us.  If we are to drink alcohol it must be very clandestine with all bottles wrapped in a couple of bags before putting in the trash.  Not sure I will partake if I have to sit in my home and consume it like that.  Although, the gin and tonic is a health reason to avoid the Malaria that is possible.  I am sure I can justify that one! I was also told that local gin is about 5 bucks for a jug, so that must be a reason it is so reasonably priced, right?
Levi makes me pictures and sends them from his own e-mail account. He now knows how to find e-mails from Nana on his IPad.  Crazy huh? One of his art pieces is on the right.

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