VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A very long day

Now we are told that we need to up the number of teachers in our clusters. I am not sure how we can do this due to the fact that we are in an extremely rural location. There are only so many teachers available and short of knitting a teacher or two or pulling someone off the side of the road, I can't see how we can create more teachers if there are not more teachers in the schools.  That is the beauty of bureaucracy or fitting a square peg into a round hole.  Some clusters have several schools within walking distance of each, while ours have a school that is 20 minutes from the next with a lower population. You cannot write the same rules for different demographics. That is my whine for today.  Tomorrow comes early here so have to hit the hay.BUT I did get my things to my new home today. And found some Mickey Mouse sheets for my bed too. They were left in the house and laundered too, so freebies for me.  I even managed to meet my household lizard, not that I wanted to, but hopefully he will stay in the kitchen and leave me alone in my bedroom.  Guess I wont be doing a great deal of cooking until we figure out a way to not see each other on a regular basis.

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