VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, February 25, 2011

Malay Vocabulary

I probably need to get a 'life', or at least quit this nerdiness. But here a few words I have learned to speak in Malay

selamat pagi - good morning
selamat sore - good afternoon
selamat malam - good evening
sekolah - school  ( I did learn what the SK stands for in the school names, but I forget)

Now that I am here on the blog, I can't recall any other words.  I guess I could have deleted this post but it feels like I am talking to you, so I will just leave it here.  AND, the GPS lady and I are beginning to get along. I have discovered that I can just turn her on without letting her give any directions. When I do that, she is not allowed to talk. And what she does do is show me where the heck I am driving. Living at the equator does not give a stubble jumper a fair chance of knowing where the heck she is. There is NO SUN to follow to give me a direction. I have no idea whether I am driving north, south, east, or west.The crazy sun is just UP HIGH in the sky.   But Ms. GPS has to admit this to me when I turn her voice off and just make her tell me where I am.  Brilliant!

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