VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tomorrow begins the real work

Last week we set the groundwork for the job we are here to do. During that time we spent time building relationships with the schools, and I must say, they were wonderful, accommodating, and helpful in every way.  Tomorrow is the first day of actually doing this work.  I will be sitting in on a class with the teachers and either watching to see how they teach a class here or possibly co teaching with them. I have routed out my map for this but do not have all the schools in my schedule for this week. In the afternoon tomorrow we will be giving a workshop to the cluster in my district and will be doing the same at another cluster on Tuesday, and the third on Thursday.  I am glad that we are finally beginning the work that I came to do.  But how I dislike actually creating the schedule to do it.  Once I get into a pattern I hope that I will just be able to find a way to be at each school for a day and not have to travel so darn much. Having said that, I still have to go to my base school every morning before I begin the schedules and at the end of the day.  I have already allotted Sedili Kecil as my Friday school, and then give myself the opportunity to stop at the beach on the way home because school ends at noon on Friday.
I am so glad I stayed home this weekend to get somewhat organized. I actually cleaned up the little clump of stuff at the front door of my house. I had a collection of various things stacked there awaiting my attention.  The items were placed there to avoid prying eyes of burglars who might think I have something valuable here. But keep in mind that they would have to scale the high gates into my property and then look through bars on the patio door. The double front doors are also secured with bar doors outside with huge locks on them too. I have opted to use the patio door for entry because it means I only have to unlock the bars. Now that I have cleaned this up, the room is even emptier.  
Now I have my couple of photos on my desk (my kids as kids), my printer set up, my briefcase ready to be used, and some of my clothing hung on the window bars.  There are no closets in Malaysia, so I have discovered that the window bars are a good place to hang clothing. That way I can be in denial of the need for these devices. I should be able to conceal their real purpose with my dresses and blouses.
It was very nice to not be driving all day.  Guess I better fill up the gas tank today in preparation of the work tomorrow.

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