VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Canadian snow, children, and dogs

I took some videos from Canada into the preschool class today.  The children were swarming me again while they viewed the videos.  They really loved Shayna and the snowball. After watching Levi sing Miss Lucy, they then assembled and sang twinkle, twinkle, little star for me. Each time I clapped, they burst into song again. I finally realized that I had to stop the clapping in order to stop the singing.
As for the videos, it was annoying that apple and pc videos cannot be compatible.  I have to show the apple video sideways on the computer and with no option to turn it.  Just another one of those control issues I guess.
I will have to take my fancy camera to school to do a video of the children singing for me, and then figure out how to post it here. That will be another day.
I invited a colleague from up north to come to visit during our March break. Enticed her with the purchase of my barbecue. Now I gotta figure out what the heck to cook on it, as she has accepted the invitation.  I guess I need to buy another towel too.

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