VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, March 18, 2011

No new granddaught yet

I spoke with the mother who is waiting for her baby to make an appearance. Since tomorrow is a full moon, I am sure she will join many others and make her debut on that day.
I will be going to the Econsave to find the spray can of 'lizard repellent' I saw the other day.  I do draw a line with roommates, and having a gecko share my bed is not an option.  These little guys are getting too comfortable around here. Last night I was making and tossing paper airplanes at them in the living room. They thought it was a game, and just dashed about on the walls about 15 feet above me. This morning, one of the little guys was on the wall in my bedroom near the bathroom doorway.  I didn't have any paper to make airplanes so I used my 'outdoor voice' which  just caused him to  cling to the wall and stared at me.
Tomorrow I get to watch a movie on TV. Some Steve Martin movie - the pink panther - will keep me entertained. 
For now, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I am sure the geckos are regrouping for their next onslought in Kota Tinggi. I will go now to the new restaurant and have a roti and dahl for the same price as the downtown one. But, the place is clean, no rags to wipe down the plate and cutlery.  And I can also download the Malaysia Ikea catalogue to browse for when I have some RM in my account. I am thinking that a recliner chair is in order for this old bird and I have discovered that lazyboy has not found its way to Malaysia..If I am going to be here for a few years, it might as well be in comfort.  Besides, whoever gets to claim this when I leave will enjoy it themselves.

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