VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, March 24, 2011

To Pangarang and back

Bases school to south coast = 130 km.  I found my way, and managed to make the trip only 130 instead of about 150 km.  Did the teacher training, and then had a dinner meeting to plan next week's training.  The Chinese restaurant was closed so we had to have Malay food. BUT, surprisingly it was not too bad.A grand total for the three of us was RM17.  Mine was the cheapest as I only drank water, so was fed more than I wanted for RM5.  And the view was spectacular. Sitting in an outdoor cafe (as usual) on the coast overlooking ships and oil rigs and platforms. Seems that a team of oil workers are coming in this week to work out there. They are working for Petronus gas.  This seems to leave some doubt for the new member of our team finding accommodations, as a number of these people are converging on his little town, and they have a lot more money than he does.
I think I may have resolved the computer problem. I have been told by everyone who has an opinion that it is a software problem. Not knowing anything about this but thinking the only thing I have changed on the unit is that I added Firefox web browser. So, I uninstalled it and re installed the new version that came out yesterday. After doing that I was able to upload my report to the site. But of course the fragile internet crapped out and I could not test my theory further. I am now home and way too tired to be a technical wizard so I will check that out tomorrow.
Tomorrow is a short day, thank goodness. I will be heading to my new hairdresser for a long and luxurious hair wash. Then I will pick her brain to tell me where I can find a 'dobi'

wish me luck

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