VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Too much rain

It rained all night last night and still raining now. I hope this is not the weather pattern for our week break.  We thought we were fortunate in missing monsoon season here, but the locals are telling me that weather patterns here are also changing, just like in Canada, and it is looking like monsoons don't follow their usual patterns.  I found a u-tube of Kota Tinggi from just a couple of weeks before I arrived here. I figured out how to post a utube, but not very well. The only one I wanted posted is the Kota Tinggi one, which is shown first. The others were there on the page, and I have no idea of how to remove them. I will check that out later. For now, just take a peek at the Kota Tinggi floods to get an idea of my new 'hometown'.
It starts on the bridge travelling north east toward the downtown area.  Just to the right after crossing the bridge is where we stayed at the hotel. At the intersection that has a green arrow is where I turn to get eventually onto the highway out of town.  I don't think I will chance this route this morning, as the amount of rain that has fallen over the past 24 hours could possibly cause the same problem today.  Besides I have found my route around the city that avoids this and traffic snarls too.
I am going up into the hills of a palm oil plantation area, so floods should not be a factor there. As long as I can get there without having to encounter any along the way. When I find a nice day, I will take some photos of the views on that route. It is amazing each time I see it. You see nothing but the tops of palm trees for miles and miles on either side of the road, much like grain fields in the prairies.  Unlike the prairies, you get a lovely bird's eye view from the hills.
Now to navigate my way through wild boars, marauding elephants, cows, monkeys, and other critters on my way to work.  It is days like this that make me sort of wish I lived in the village. But that is short lived.  I need to step away from the job and live outside its boarders. I am far too visible and without privacy out there.

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