VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today is April Fools Day here in Malaysia.  Not sure I feel like testing this one out on the locals. It would take far too much energy explaining it all. Another thing I miss here:  DUCT TAPE from the $ store. I bought a roll of it to make my new bedroom screen so I can have fresh air flowing into my room, The cost of this roll was a whopping RM4 and it was only enough to tape around ONE WINDOW. I gave away more duct tape in Victoria than all the supplies in Kota Tinggi put together.  But the screen was a success, so today after work I am going to buy more and some bits of wood, a staple gun, and of course more duct tape and build myself a patio screen door so I can leave my main floor door open for fresh air too.  Mr. Chips move aside - I am the new builder and designer for modern living. 
I also miss talking to Jennifer on gmail phone. Something has happened to the internet at my house so that we cannot chat on that phone any longer. I can hear her loud and clear, but she hears me gurgling underwater.  Somehow I am going to have to figure out how to make this work again.  I cannot dash to the cafe before work in the morning, and she is never awake when I get home,. Hmmmm, I will ponder this one and see how I can fix it.
Tonight I will have company.  Several colleagues are going to converge on the metropolis of Kota Tinggi for the weekend. They are curious about our environment and want to see what we have been talking about.  Jeff and I have planned some excursions.  We will go to the Kota Tinggi waterfalls for a swim, go to the crocodile farm, ostrich farm, and then later on Saturday we will all go to the firefly park near the city.  Maybe I will beg off if the mosquitoes are too much.  I have made gazpacho and hummus, and Jeff plans to make Sangria.  Nothing like a Spanish flavour for a Malaysian get together.  I hope to pick up some Tongkul fish (tuna like apparently) and bbq a feast for the gang.
Now I have to get those window areas measured so I can have screens in place for the big weekend event. I cannot hide in my room while being a hostess.  Hope to be able to find time for the luxurious hairwash before the company arrives too.
Still no granddaughter. Maybe she has the sense of humour of her uncle Ryan, surprising us all, and will arrive on the Canadian April Fools Day (tomorrow)

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