VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hats off to Ryan and Kudos to Jenn

Not sure I could continue on this adventure without the support of my kids. Having Ryan living internationally has given me an even bigger respect for him than I had for his career choice of diving.  It becomes so frustrating trying to get information from anyone here. All are very accommodating, but jeepers, they tend to just agree with everything instead of disagree and explain.  I have been trying to do some banking for the past several days and get a different answer wherever I go.  Thank God for Jenn who has more than enough on her plate in her own life constantly telling me all is well and she will help from her end.  There is a slew of teachers who recently got paid and cleaned out their bank accounts and left Malaysia.  I am not at that point, after all I am a mediator. My only problem there is that I need to figure out how to negotiate something in a language that we both can understand.  So for, not so good.  I am completely awed with how Ryan has lived all over the world and somehow come through this unscathed.  I think I will have to grab him for a few days and have him give me some lessons on this. 
Now it is time to do the workshop for our southern gang and then look forward to the journey home.  I also need to stock up on cinnamon, as I have read that is the way to get rid of ants in the house.  Not to worry, I am not joining my colleagues who have thrown in the towel and gone home. I am far too stubborn to admit defeat, as everyone knows. Besides, I feel like I need to entertain you all further on this coffee break page I have created.
I just bought a warm pepsi for 2 ringitts. Jeff just walked up to me with a plastic bag of honeydew juice for 1 ringitt. And the plastic bag is ice cold. First cold drink I have seen here!

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