VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today I turned on the radio for the first time

You cannot imagine what a treat it was to hear classical music in my car on the way to work, and the announcer speaking clear English. I felt like I had a friend with me.  After my productive day at work, which was only until noon, I drove through the city in search of a bed.  I really am getting weary of sleeping on the floor, and decided I must get something to change that. Besides, it really is a bother to remember to prop the mattress on the wall every morning, and when I don't, it tends to be damp.  Anyway, my plan was first to check out the bus terminal to see where Michel and I would catch a bus to Singapore, and while scouting out that, I found a big furniture store. I asked if they had any bed frames, and the nice man took me to fancy schmancy ones.  I said I just wanted something inexpensive to use for a few years, and he took me to another spot.  I think I bought a red metal bed frame, which will be delivered and set up at 5 pm.  On my way out, I saw an office chair, so bartered for that one (the cheapest because I will have to give everything away when I leave) and then began whining about not having a desk. He showed me some computer desks with varying prices. I again opted for the cheapest one, but had my eye on the nice sapphire blue one that would match my office chair.  So, the prices for the bed frame were RM220, the chair RM65, and the desk RM170.  This was a total of RM445.  I said I really cannot afford this right now, so said I would not get the desk. The nice man said, I could have the lot for RM300. So I agreed. Then tried to use my bank/credit card and they could not process it. Their equipment was archaic, and could not process a debit/credit card. So I said I would go to the bank and get cash and come back. Nice people that they are said no need to come back, just pay when delivered. Yay.  I always forget to take my address with me, so had to draw a map for them to find me.
After this outlay of cashola and celebration of a week vacation, I wanted to find gin.  I went to 7 11 because they apparently sell beer. They advised they do not sell gin, and some Muslim lady told me where she thought I could find gin. Odd that she would know, and she didn't anyway.  So, back to the Chinese lady who serves us bok choy and gai lan regularly.  I knew she would know. She was all excited about me being there because I don't go often any more.  I told her I was not there for food, but for information. She did not let me down, and I found a bigger liquor store than the one we found in Batu Pahat. I really must becoming quite a proletarian because my taste in gin is not dictated by brand any longer. The ability to find any is what I look for now. A lovely locally produced lemon gin is what is now in my freezer awaiting me.
I never did figure out the bus terminal thing. That can be done another day after a good night rest on the new bed.  Now that I have a desk, computer chair coffee table, small settee (came with the house) and a couple of pails I purchased to use upsidedown as tables, I will possibly lose some of the echo in the house.
When I got home I discovered that the cinnamon that I sprinkle on the floor to get rid of ants seems to be a favourite of Mr Gecko.  drat
So, whoever plans on coming to visit, there is a real bed now, queen size according to the man.  I enjoy sleeping on the floor, except for having to always prop the mattress every morning. So, the bed is available. 
Bed, desk, and chair arrived. They set them all up and I am beginning to feel like I live here. 
Just heard from my friend in Pahang. She cannot leave her state as the roads are flooded. Maybe she will be able to get out midweek. Also was informed there are earthquakes and tsunamis all around us. Hope my schools don't wash away over the vacation.  I wont have a job if that happens.

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