VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tuesday is a big meeting in Johor Baru

I am not looking forward to this meeting. The distance is only about 45 km, but the city is a zoo with a population of about 2 million people. All of course driving on the wrong side of the road.The crazy roundabouts totally confuse me, and I never know which one to get off because the signs are all in Malay (if there are any signs). We will be meeting with the Minister of Education and his executive staff, so doing a lot of hand shaking and glad handing.  I thought I had done my time in that arena many years ago!
Anyway, Madam GPS is going to be of no help as there is tons of construction at the north end of JB, which is the route I will be travelling. And google maps will also be useless. I am not sure why I get my knickers in a knot every time I have to drive a new route. I really must get over this because I will have to deal with it until I do. I have discovered that if I chant to myself, stay on the left, stay on the left then all is well.  Not really well, but bearable.
I attempted to take a photo of the rain storm last night. But unless I was standing right in the rain I could not get the intensity in a picture. I guess I need to learn more about the camera.  But, if you look at the water on the road, you can see the drops hitting the puddles.  It was definitely more dramatic than this picture. And a fond memory was stirred from past summers at Katepwa when we sat in the living room watching the storm travel up and down the valley.

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