VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jennifer was a hit at Rosemerah today

I settled in at the cafe and had a wonderful chat with Jenn on Skype. She was completely amused with the various servers, patrons, and other sorts who would stand over my shoulder and look at her on my computer screen.  When I did leave, because my battery gave up, a patron sitting behind me asked "what is your Country?"  When I told him Canada, he said a very lovely lady lives there.  She is who?  I explained she is my daughter.  Once again, the kindness, curiosity, and inquisitiveness of the locals touches me.  As each of them viewed my computer, they had no inhibitions of looking at something North Americans would consider private.  Their approach is one of family, and knowing that keeping in touch with family is a good thing, and they want to celebrate that with you.  That nice man also gave me another lead on a dobi, so I have not given up hope on that one yet.
Thanks Jenn for the visit. Hope you didn't mind me bringing half of the population of Kota Tinggi with me.
Homeward bound to clean the house and enjoy the scents of incense wafting over my wall.  My next door neighbours are Chinese and there must be a religious significance to the incense on the weekends. It is a lovely scent, not too heavy - quite spicy.  When I combine this with the BATIK I am transformed to a time in my life in the 1960's where BATIK and incense was the norm if you were young.

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