VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nothing new today

Prepared for tomorrow at work. I hope to be able to concentrate my time at one school each day, except for the workshops that we will be doing at each cluster of schools on Mondays. Tuesdays, and Thursdays.  Following my clever daughter's style, I have created charts with teacher names, grades, needs, etc within each school and should be able to figure out schedules to accommodate each. We will see.
I have taken a few pictures of views from my home property to give an idea of what I see each day.  The one looking south (to the right) is the least attractive, but it is far enough away that I only see it when I leave in my car.
I have to admit it, but I now miss the geckos. I found some kind of repellent which I sprayed on exits and entries to the house yesterday and since that I have not seen the little gaffers.  Guess it will remain this way for about 60 days as that is the indication of the effectiveness of the spray.  Ryan wrote an told me that I should enjoy them around - they eat all the bugs and spiders that come in.  I was always afraid of stepping on one of them, because they were extremely abundant in the main living area.  My friend even captured one in a cut out water bottle to remove him when I was still sleeping on the floor down there.  Another friend told me that one fell on her head when she was sleeping, so I just wanted to get rid of them. Now, sorry that I did.
I will post the pictures now, if my internet cooperates.

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