VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ready to cook and feed myself

Out on a search today for an induction cooker. That was Jennifer's recommendation, and after weighing all the options I decided it would be the best. A microwave oven is nasty to cook meat, a counter top oven apparently could burn down the countertop -- so the logical choice was the induction cooker. I looked in a strip mall of sorts on my way to the downtown and was pleasantly surprised there. I also managed to find a glass vessel blender for only RM69.  I asked them if there was somewhere to buy soft tofu, as that is what I would make for breakfast in the blender. A young girl in the shop told me at econsave, so I said I would check that out and if they had it, I would come back and buy the blender. I searched all over econsave, and no soft tofu. Some little girl was giving samples of ice cream, which I should have bought because she was giving a cooler free if I bought some. Anyway, I didn't and she directed me to this section of the store I avoid because of the smell. I minced my way over there, holding my breath, and lo and behold, there was the soft tofu. Yay. Then, I sidled over to the chicken section, as I did not feel like going to the Kip Mart where I found chicken under ice.Bravely bought chicken pieces, so I guess it is bbq night again.  They have these bins in the store full of chicken pieces and whole chickens (including the feet).  I thought I would try the thighs but did not know what to do. The guy said, just get a plastic bag and put in what you want. Yuck.  That means everyone's hands was in the bin too.  So, I got a plastic bag, and then another plastic bag to pick up the raw meat, and put 3 pieces into the other bag.  I will just pretend that is how everyone else does it, so that I can actually eat this stuff when I get it cooked. On my way past the fish section, I saw a woman running her hands through the ice that the fish was sitting in. I am guessing that she did not use a plastic bag to get her chicken.
Of course, there are no berries here, so trying to think of something to put in this tofu was a challenge.I bought some ribena (a drink that is without sugar, and made from black currents), some oatmeal in a little sack, a papaya, and some nuts.  I can't imagine putting my dragon fruit, watermelon, and other melon in this smoothie creation, but I can eat those on the side.  I am thinking I am going to be darn healthy.It even has a coffee bean grinder included, but kind of a waste on me, as coffee is not part of my diet here. When I got home I realized I can make gazpacho, and get some veggies into me too. I am also beginning to think that I just might not turn out gourmet meals while on this journey.
Dashed back to the store and bought the blender and the induction cooker.  Now that I have all this cooking technology, I guess I need to shop accordingly.  There is a ton of meat and fish concoctions in the freezer section in the store, so I guess I will try one of those.  I saw things called crab drumsticks. Might brave one of those packets one day. Someone write me an e-mail and gives me some ideas for cooking on this thing, please.  I cannot say I have ever relied on cooking on a stove top and that is what this thing is.  Oh yes,  I thought I should pick up some rice as that seems to  be the staple here. Unfortunately I did not succumb to the bags they sell. There were sacks weighing about 10 pounds and higher. My blender person said they have smaller ones, so she is going to go shopping with me next time to show me the small packs of rice and other things I don't understand there.  Whenever I eat at the schools, which of course is mainly rice, I seem to go into a coma after eating. I think the rice is not my friend.
So, as it is nearly 4 pm on Sunday, I think it is time for my Malaria medication. And because I am on vacation, I also think it should be laced with gin.
over and out

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