VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, March 11, 2011

Roti Chanan for breakfast and plant shopping

I went to the old haunt we first discovered and had roti chanan with dahl for breakfast. You would be horrified if you saw how it was prepared, but so far I have not died, but I do rush home after eating.  There is a little lady who makes them (rotis, which are a kind of thin, flat fried bread), she cracks an egg into the centre and then folds in the edges, and the slips it into a large black flat pan.  The scary part comes when she gets a rag, that looks like something shredded and used to wash the floor. Then, takes a tin plate, and wipes it off with the rag, and then a spoon and fork, and wipes them too.  I am sure her eggs have been sitting at room temperature just like the ones I see in the stores, but I can pretend that they are not, unlike buying my own and knowing they are.  After that event, I went in search of some kind of vessel to repair the pathetic bbq.  No metal pails are available in Malaysia, so driving past a plant place I saw big clay pots. I bought one for the bbq to sit on as well as 2 more to plant some cintronella plants that will hopefully ward off the mosquitoes.  Also bought a peace lily in hopes of making my place look more like a home and less like an empty cave.  Pictures of the purchases including the wonderful bed are here now too. The pillows on my bed are strictly for show. They are like blocks of concrete, and seem to be all that is available. Jenn gave me a nice neck pillow which I did not use on the airplane, but it is great here.
Once I figure out what I want to buy to cook with I think I will attempt to make my own roti and dahl, although might not be worth the effort. today's meal cost RM1.70.  That translates to 56c. And I don't have to look at the eggs in my fridge.

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