VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Navigating Kota Tinggi today

I should have known that there is "no free parking" even in Kota Tinggi.  I stopped in at a hair salon yesterday to check it out, and when I got back to my car, there was some official looking document under my wiper blade. I knew it must be a ticket but I didn't know how to pay it. I stopped at the bank and saw a man writing these tickets so asked him.  He explained I need to buy a coupon, and then told me how to buy one. I asked him not to give me another ticket until I could at least buy this crazy coupon. I could not find the "electric shop" he directed me to, so went into a camera shop to ask. Seems the camera shop is exactly where he meant. Bought some booklet of tickets that look like lottery tickets, where you pop out dates and times as you use them.  So, now to the hair salon, to ask Kiki, my new hairdresser, where the heck I pay this fine. Kiki, the owner was not in but her assistant, Uki, remembered me and I showed her the document. I asked where I should pay it, and she directed me to some MDKT building. I said I didn't know where that was, so she then told me it was across from the Post Office. I had found that once, but never again, so she said, it is also across the other way from the hospital. Again, no clue.  She then offered to go with me in my car and lead me. I took her up on that and off we set. MDKT turns out to be their version of city hall. I flashed the paper to various people and we were directed to several different places. Finally, some woman listened to me and did manage to reduce the fine by 50%, so I paid my RM15. If you don't pay the fine, they lock your wheels and then you pay RM200 to get them unlocked.  So I found many new places today with the help of my assistant.  I went back to her salon and had her give me a hair wash and blow dry.  What an experience. It was over one hour.  She led me to her styling chair and I said, no I want a wash. She kept insisting I sit there, so I did. She blobbed some shampoo on my head and then while stirring that around, she kept adding water from a squirt bottle. Hair wash, scalp massage, neck massage, shoulder and back massage, all for RM10.  I will be doing this once a week -- it will be my Friday afternoon treat to myself. The blow dry is part of the package.  I then gave her a RM5 tip and she was delighted. That was also to compensate for the driving directions.
Now, because this dongle internet is such crap, I am going over to the Muslim restaurant where I had a fresh coconut to download my workshop details for the next month. These things take forever to download at my own place.  I found free wifi there -- one of the few places in this crazy town.  Maybe I will have another coconut too.
I asked Uki if she also drove a car. She looked at me like I was insane. She said "I am only 16".  So of course I said, 'so what".  Apparently in Malaysia, you cannot drive until you are 21.  I wonder how the Canuck kids would manage with that age limit.  Here, it not a hardship -- no one can afford a car anyway.
We will see if this posts. The internet has bonbed out twice since I began to write this.

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