VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I had my first fresh coconut yesterday

I stumbled upon a restaurant of sorts and there were a pile of coconuts sitting near the stairs. Ryan told me that he regularly ate coconuts while living in Thailand, so I thought I better try one. I asked how much, and was told RM 1.70 which works out to about 50c.  This guy arrived with a machete and scraped it on the road until it was sharp as a razor. Then proceeded to hack away at the coconut with his other hand extremely close to the hacking site.  He then handed it to me, with the top removed and then brought me a straw and a spoon.  It really was delicious and refreshing too.  I just googled some information regarding the benefits of fresh coconut water and the flesh and the following is what I found.

What is Coconut Water?

Coconut Water
Coconut Water is the nutritious clear liquid inside the coconut fruit which is packed with vitamins and minerals. There is usually more water in a young coconut, since the water is replaced by the white coconut flesh as it matures. Therefore, for drinking purposes, coconuts are harvested off the trees when they are still young and green. Later, the outer green husk is removed and the coconuts are wrapped in plastic to keep the moisture.

For best results, the water from a fresh coconut should be consumed shortly after being exposed to air due to the possible loss of important nutrients. A single coconut usually provides an 11 ounce serving of water, and it is low in calories and fat but rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. A few key nutrients in Coconut Water include Lauric acid, Chloride, and Iron, as well as important electrolytes such as Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, and Phosphorous. In fact, the potassium content in Coconut Water is close to twice the amount in a banana. A healthy balance of electrolytes is important for the optimal health of our muscular, cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems, as well as to help with the absorption and balance of the body's internal fluids.

Now I have to go and deal with the chicken I am charring on the bbq.  I tend to overcook the meat here just in an attempt to not recognize what I bought. But I think I have more than compensated tonight.

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