VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Great day today workwise

I spent most of the day slotting in meetings for the next three days (today included) and even managed to have a meeting with a new teacher at one of my schools. He has been hired straight out of school but he is an 'optionist' which means he actually took English and teaching education in university. His degree is in International Business, so all of his course work was in English, making him a fine speaker of my native language. He is excited to be part of this program, and hanging onto me for dear life with hopes of my coaching skills rubbing off on him. I enjoyed the meetings because the teachers pick my brain for ideas to teach certain concepts. That is my favourite part of this job.  On my way back to my base school I was stopped on the highway by the army.  I thought we had possibly been invaded because they were in full uniform and looking very officious.  There had been heavy rain and they directed me to some patch of muck to park my car. Seems there was some cycling race along the highway, and I had to remove myself to let them through. A mini 'tour de france' buzzing down my 'hood.  I wish I had the camera today, it was amazing watching these guys burning up the road in 95+ steamy weather.  I have learned that whatever I plan to do here can and usually gets postponed or moved. So, I just sat and watched and for some crazy reason got back to my base school in time for the meeting.
Got all my meetings completed by 2 pm and then headed home in a driving rain which was forecast. Victoria cannot hold a candle to these rains. I had asked everyone at the school where the heck I could buy lavender oil because the mosquito repellent (deet) is not working for me. I must becoming very local because when a couple of them gave me a store to check I actually knew where they meant. I bought the oil but it smells nothing like the lavender oil in Canada. But I am willing to try anything because the bites I have are looking a bit like smallpox.  Lovely huh?
Now it is only 4 o'clock and all I have to do is upload my meeting data and take the night off. I must be getting into the groove.  And to top it off, I have a week off next week.A friend is coming to visit, and I even have spare mattresses to accommodate company We are planning on exploring areas around here, maybe taking in a beach, and checking out Melaka, which is the location I wanted to be posted  initially. But I am happy here in Kota Tinggi, and have made wonderful friends I will never forget. Melaka has a Portuguese history, so I think we will discover some very fine cultural backgrounds there. And it is touted as having the world's largest Zoo. Not that I have to see this, I can see it all in the wild where I live.

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