VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, March 4, 2011


Lucky for me today is only a half day of work. I had to go to the bank and also to a tire repair shop. Some of the guys at one of my schools told me a place to go because my front tire keeps losing air. I did the banking, got some cash, and then off to the tire shop. They were really nice, and could not find a leak, but discovered the valve was defective. Now on to the food store. I looked long and hard at the fish because the guys also told me about different kinds of fish to buy. I was interested when they described one that is much like the texture and taste of tuna.  I looked for quite a while but having not assembled the bbq yet, decided against that purchase today. I then stalked all the chicken vendors and finally decided I need to eat something, and the one that actually had his chicken under ice seemed like the best bet. Then off to the Econsave to get some cinnamon because I have learned that sprinkling that around the kitchen gets rid of ants. My kitchen by the way now smells delicious, and there are NO ANTS either! I also picked up (I think) bok choy, but the vendor called it something else. So once I was home, I bravely I walked into the lizard's kitchen and made a bunch of noise so he could leave if he wanted to, and then borrowed his giant wok, which I will set on the bbq once the chicken is done.
So, I built the bbq, lit the coals, and now I am smoking out my house with the back draft blowing inside. Ooops.
Also picked up a couple of knives, spoons, and forks, and 2 wire storage racks so I can keep some kind of order in my bathroom and kitchen. There are no cupboards or shelves in either of these rooms.  I also turned on the air conditioning up in my bedroom to see what it feels like. I am sure any of my guests will enjoy it, so be sure that you can have a nice cool room when you come to visit. As for myself, I will leave it off -- I like the warmth.
Tomorrow will be a cleaning day. I have done a number on the kitchen with cinnamon all over the floor, so guess I better clean that up soon.  I will post pictures of the bbq so you can see just how basic life is here. Oh yes and I bought three big red dragon fruits. I am glad Ryan told me about these little lovelies.  I can never get enough of them.

Let me know when you are planning to visit and I will promise to bbq a Tingkul for you (the tuna like fish) because the fishmonger has assured me that he will gut it and take off the head.
Tomorrow I might even buy a couple of plates.

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