VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Decided that is her name. She seems to think the garden is her's so I guess we will refer to it as Gezebelle's garden. She is a bit of a Jezebel, so aptly named too.  She flirts around the property, sunning herself on the patios chairs.  Her favorite spot is in the backside of the chair - I guess it keeps her from being sat upon by unwary seaters.  She is a wee thing - I am sure one of Gordon's offsprings.  She was ready for a photo shoot; myself on the other hand am a sweaty pool of dank, from cleaning the mess she and her buddies made last night in the house. Well, maybe they contributed to the mess I made myself during the week. In any case, I am not photo material today.

I am wondering about myself - I really do not like lizards but what the heck, they are everywhere. I have often seen the little rascals scurry past me going down the stairs when I climb them to go to bed. Kind of like that dog cartoon of the sheep dogs punching in and out on their shifts. They take a look at me, and just continue on their way - down the stairs to get into michief when the landlady is asleep. And they are the tiniest little guys. But I think I know why I have the tiny ones. Gezebelle was inside my laundry basket this morning and took a leap out when she saw the clean laundry being tossed into it. I think I bring the brats in myself!

So, back to tea time. Gez was clearly not comfortable  and kept trying to find the right spot. She moved from the back of the chair, to the crease on the chair, and then onto one of the back rungs. Finally, she sidled over to the table and perched herself on the metal pedistal. Safe from feet, bums, and anything else that could bring her harm.

Here is her debut on the blog
she is about the size of a dime OR as we say here a 10 sen piece

Now, for the garden.  I am very proud of it. But can't really take credit, other than design.  It rains, it is hot and it rains and is hot again. Perfect conditions to create this beauty. I will have to get a sign made - Gezebelle's Garden

This is her favorite view. Mine too. (pardon the laundry drying above)

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