VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, October 24, 2011

Technology Bites

I made the silly mistake of thinking that the HP warranty shop understood my needs and were going to deliver what I needed. Arriving there this morning, I advised that yes, indeed I could not back up my files because the usb ports were being 'tired' lately; meaning that no flash drives could be injected into them to transfer files, and the disc driver was on vacation - as usual, meaning that this too could not accomodate any kind of file back up. They advised me that they could definitely help if this occurred. Standing there, they looked at me like morons and said 'you must back up your files'. There was no answer to my 'how'? Just a sweet smile.  I turned on the computer, and asked if I could try the ports - with hopes that just one would work. Ta Da, one did. But fearing if I turned the baby off, it would not work again once rebooted. So leaving that lovely place that does not assist the customer, I went in search of an external hard drive to back everything up so I could leave my baby to get healed.  Yes, yes, Tesco sells them, can, can, and a wriggle of the wrist I was off to Tesco. NO TESCO DOES NOT SELL THEM. Went back for the baby and carried it gently to the car, still turned on, and fully charged.  In pursuit of a hard drive to help me, I went to Giant Hypermarket. It is like a rabbit warren of little wiggles and squiggles of halls and whatnot. I felt like Gretel, thinking I should have brought along breadcrumbs to find my way back to the car. Asking various shop keepers 'where is a computer store', generated blank stares. I just mumbled nasty words and kept driving the cart with the sleeping computer awaiting liposuction of data.  Finally, just traipsing around various halls I found an acer store. Nice young lady there actually plugged in my computer, attached the external hard drive to the sleeper (in the happy little port that still worked) and said 'take your breakfast, I will do this for you'. SO I did. And upon return, the data was copied and moved and the computer ready for the hospital. Back to the smilers. God only knows what they will do with it this time. I reminded them that half of it is replaced, why not just finish the job and replace whatever else was still original. Foolishly, I suggested this was likely a Monday machine. They had no idea what I meant, and I was stupid enough to try to explain. Still blank stares. Oh if there is justice in the world, I do hope this is the last time it will need repairs and that it actually will be repaired. Oh ya, the stupid little car (workshop - is what they call it here) yelled at me because I was partially blocking his precious driveway, which was empty, just like his workshop. When I returned (after having to NOT PARK THERE) I admit I said a not very nice thing. I said, I hope you go bankrupt sooner than later. Iam sure he never knew what I said, and I felt better having said it. Stupid little man!
Now the morning is over, my mentee visit nixed, so went to chin wag with her Head Mistress. We had a good meeting, advising her that I think I can get her some good funding for resource room furnishings. Now, back to KT, the bloody bank card still does not work in ANY MAYBANK MACHINES. But works in other bank machines where I have to pay a fee. This time the manager was who I demanded and waited for. He finally did some checking with other Maybanks, and discovered that others too have had the same issue. For God Sake, sounds like if your friend jumped off a bridge, do you think you need to as well?  I have been telling them all along that this fancy schmancy card with the fancy schmancy chip is likely defective. Please give me a new one. FINALLY today, they deduced that the card chip could be defective. I got a new card. Oh Please make this one work. Being in Canada next month is not exactly the best place to be when it does not work. Dashing to the Maybank in KT is not easily done.

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