VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, October 23, 2011

More gifts

These wonderful mentees came bearing gifts. One group from a school brought me some gorgeous plants for my patio.They should be a nice addition to what I have there now. They did tell me that they had red palms growing wild in their area, so perhaps I did err in buying from the greenhouse. But not really, the nice man planted it so well, and it is a great focal point in the garden. Besides, Gordie and gang love frolicing there.

And the final bit of sustenance at today's feast cannot be duplicated in Canada - star fruit fresh from the tree with other bits to brighten the stick.

Another school sent a lovely coffee set, which means I can actually serve coffee or tea to others and use matching cups.  Jeff has claimed what we call the cancer cup - a gift from a wedding we attended - it is a mug with a lump(factory defect) on the side, like a tumor and the picture of the bride and groom turns out to be a sticker, not a part of the cup, so it is eroding over useage.I hope this erosion is not an indication of their marriage.  I use either a jar or my lovely KFC mug. So now we can drink our evening tea together with cups and saucers like civilized folk.

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