VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I hope I soon learn....

Last week I got soaked in my car driving to work in the rain. Seems one should not leave their window open on the freeway during the rain. Others pass through deep puddles at great speeds and the water that was a puddle becomes the interior of the car when the window is open. Well, a similar rule can apply to the home. I was told by the realtor that I must always shut all windows when I go out. Well, in this inferno, one does not shut the house up and go out. Well, maybe that will be a past tense sentence now. I came home to my bedroom upstairs flooded. Oops. I always leave my bedroom windows open. Hot is hot, so I figure I get a chance to begin cooling off by just letting the air in when it wants to come in. Now that the rains have begun, I see what she meant. Halfway into the bedroom was a pool of water. I had lazily left some clothing on the floor - instead of putting them into the laundry basket. Good thing I did that. They soaked up a great deal of the water that came in.  It does amaze me how the rain patterns occur here. You can be just a few kilometers away and have completely different weather. I had no idea what had gone on here in Kota Tinggi while I was in JB working. But now I do. I also discovered a route that I should be able to take if , what do I mean 'if"; when is a better word.  When the highway floods between work and home.  I was forced off the road by some goon, and ended up slipping off into some trail. Turns out it is a high road from Ulu Tiram ( just past my school) that; if I can get to it through back roads, should get me past the flood area on the highway and then clear sailing homeward. Yay  I should not say clear sailing - it might be a forwarning of the mode of transporation needed in the next few weeks.

I liked the little picture I found to demonstrate the weather here - although I doubt very much that the locals would take kindly to it, considering the animal. doesn't look too happy, does he?

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