VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Indulged myself

Today I cleaned the house - finally -  after the big luncheon last weekend.There were mucky footprints everywhere, and I somehow just managed to ignore them all week.

Then, I went for a two hour massage and put myself back in the car to hie off to J.B. to have reflexology treatment. I went back to my Thai massage therapist, but wanted reflexology this time because I wanted to see if it would help with the dengue aches and pains. It did. Or maybe the two treatments combined did the trick. I don't care, just as long as it helped. And the cost - RM98 for the two hour massage, RM38 for the one hour reflexology. That means about $75.00. 

My biggest achievement was stopping in at Jusco after the reflexology. I broke down and bought some eggs.  They were in a cooler, and labelled 'organic'.  I feel like I can eat these.  And there were only 8 in the package, unlike the flats of eggs you see everywhere - at room temperature - that would feed an army.  I will see if I get up the courage to actually eat one.  If not, it won't be difficult to dispose of such a small container in the trash can.  It would be kinda cool to have an omelet. I even picked up some 'shrooms just in case I try them out.

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