VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

still dont know the head count

Not sure what protocol is in Malaysia for invitations. I could have a ton of people for lunch or a couple. Only two have replied with affirmative answers and two have declined as they are travelling home that weekend. I guess Roshemerah will get a frantic drop in by me if more people than food show up at my house on Sunday. I hope that many do come - I think I have some very good news for them. But I wont write about that here because I also know that many of them read this blog. I want it to be a surprise. Other than this drivel I really have nothing much to say.

Today I am gathering all my mentees for a special meeting. I am teaching them how to make phonics fun and will have them be the students and I the teacher. Games and activities that should be a good addition to their daily routines. Then the explanation of how to prepare for January and the year ahead.  Although they have been learning about the methodology of student centred teaching, I do not see this understanding applied in the classroom.  A wee pep talk of what they need to think about over the vacation, and how all I have presented over the last year needs to be integrated into the lessons.

Will sign off and hopefully have something amusing or interesting to tell you later. Well maybe I have something interesting now. I am up, and it is about 5:30 am. No one around here is moving around - except something very LARGE AND KINDA QUIETLY NOISY. I dont know if it is an animal rooting around in someone's stuff or a person foraging through someone's stuff. But whatever the heck it is, I am wondering why others are not responding to the noise. I have decided I am not really brave enough to check it out myself. I think I will just let it find what it wants and hopefully move on PAST my place. Ahh, I just heard someone's car door opener beep, but nothing else. Probably their way of scaring off the invader. Not very effective though. Ok, here is what it sounds like. A big elephant moving logs and everything in its path, slowly and methodically. But I know it is not an elephant - please God make me right!  My gate is big, my gate is strong, but not too sure it would stand up to an elephant.  And I have a succulent little palm tree that might just be a delightful breakfast for one of those guys.  It is still going on.  I will wait until daylight to check it out for myself.

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